Scrap handling booms designed and built for mounting on hydraulic excavators
- Incorparate excavator manufacturers’ mounting pins, bushings and seals, and either dealer-provided or Jewell hydraulic cylinders
- Two- or three-piece boom designed and built to customers’ specifications
- Hooked stick design for grapple clearance
- Designed for shears, magnets or grapples, depending on application
Excavator Modifications
- Hydraulic valving for grapple or shear
- Attachment control systems, including control handles, electrical wiring and electrical control boxes
Hydraulic Magnet Generator Installations
- Elevated cab risers, manual tilt or fixed cab elevation were designed to give the operator more visibility for easier operation.
- Manual tilt risers reduce height for transportation available in heights of 48″, 60″, 72″ and 84″ or higher.
- Hydraulic tilt option available for riser.
- Risers can be ordered in a kit or installed at Jewell Attachments LLC.
- Access door, frame reinforcement, and safety cable provided.
- Fixed cab risers from 18″ to 8′
- Bolt-on stairway and platform with railing for 48″, 60″ and 72″
- Rear-access platform lands on machinery deck for easy access
Magnet Generator Package
- Reliable high-performance magnet operation
- Electrical system designed for 100% duty cycle, easy access and serviceability
- Powered through machine hydraulic system with added auxiliary pump
Excavator Guarding Packages
- Front guarding to protect fuel and hydraulic tanks
- Side guarding to protect machine components
- Heavy-duty rear corner doors
- Operator cab guard for cab or standard excavator
- Cab guard with screens lower window guards
- Full-length catwalks
- Machinery underhouse guarding
- Custom additional counterweight